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Q : Which religion will be the most affected people with the following crisis.
1. Rising Expence ........... 2. Drinking Water Crisis
3. Epidemics .................... 3. Earth Quake
the foolish peoples who doesn't know the simple answer of this question, making this portion as
the portion for making the children "an atheist".
the children who read this will give you the simple answer " this problem is not affecting a purticular religion but will affect all the peoples in that region"
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LIFE without Religion
The lesson is set in a school room where two parents and their kid meet the Headmaster for school admission. The Headmaster fills in the forms,
Headmaster: “What is your name?”
Headmaster: “Nice…father’s name?”
“Anwar Rasheed”
Headmaster: Mother’s name?”
“Lakshmi Devi”
The Principal looks at the parents
Headmaster: “What should I fill in for the kid’s religion?”
Parents : “Keep it blank…or else add No Religion”
Headmaster: “Caste”
Parents : “not needed”
The Principal leans back on his chair and asks solemnly
Headmaster: “What if he wants a religion when he grows up?”
Parents : “If he wants a religion when he grows up, he can choose the one he likes then”
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Below is a quote from the blog of 'Anchalkkaran' which i am fully agreed with the views.

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